Lebanese culture is deeply rooted in passion, romance, and poetic expressions of love. Whether through songs, literature, or everyday conversations, Lebanese Arabic is a rich language for expressing affection. In this article, we present 20 Lebanese love quotes in Arabic, accompanied by their English translations and brief explanations.
1. الحب الحقيقي هو الذي يدوم رغم كل شيء.
English: True love is the one that lasts despite everything.
Explanation: This saying captures the enduring and resilient nature of genuine love.
2. أنت نبض قلبي ونور عيوني.
English: You are the heartbeat of my heart and the light of my eyes.
Explanation: A deeply romantic way to express someone’s importance in your life.
3. حبي إلك مثل البحر، ماله حدود.
English: My love for you is like the sea; it has no limits.
Explanation: This metaphor emphasizes the boundless and infinite nature of love.
4. الحب بعيونك أجمل من كل الدنيا.
English: Love in your eyes is more beautiful than the whole world.
Explanation: A poetic way to describe the captivating power of a lover’s gaze.
5. أنت الهوى اللي بتنفسه.
English: You are the air I breathe.
Explanation: This saying conveys how essential a loved one is to life itself.
6. لو الحب كلمة، أنت القاموس كله.
English: If love were a word, you would be the whole dictionary.
Explanation: A creative way to describe someone as the embodiment of love.
7. بحبك قد السما وما فيها.
English: I love you as much as the sky and everything in it.
Explanation: A vivid image of love that is as vast and immeasurable as the sky.
8. ما في كلمة توصف قديش بحبك.
English: There’s no word to describe how much I love you.
Explanation: This quote conveys the indescribable depth of love.
9. أنت السبب بكل فرحة بحس فيها.
English: You are the reason behind every joy I feel.
Explanation: A simple yet profound expression of gratitude for a loved one.
10. لعيونك، بعيش العمر مرتين.
English: For your eyes, I’d live life twice.
Explanation: A poetic way of saying someone’s presence makes life worth living multiple times over.
11. الحب الحقيقي ما بيحتاج كلمات، بس قلبين فاهمين بعض.
English: True love doesn’t need words, just two hearts that understand each other.
Explanation: A reminder that love is about connection beyond words.
12. بحبك من هون للنجوم.
English: I love you from here to the stars.
Explanation: A romantic metaphor to express limitless affection.
13. كل لحظة معك، هي أحلى هدية من الحياة.
English: Every moment with you is the sweetest gift from life.
Explanation: This saying cherishes the preciousness of time spent with a loved one.
14. حبك ما بينوصف، لأنو أكبر من كل الكلمات.
English: Your love cannot be described because it’s greater than all words.
Explanation: A way to highlight the indescribable greatness of love.
15. معك، بحس إنو قلبي بأمان.
English: With you, I feel my heart is safe.
Explanation: This quote reflects the emotional security love brings.
16. عيونك بتحكي قصص حب من دون كلام.
English: Your eyes tell love stories without words.
Explanation: A poetic observation about how eyes convey deep emotions.
17. إنت الشمس اللي بتدفي حياتي.
English: You are the sun that warms my life.
Explanation: A metaphor to express someone’s role as a source of happiness and light.
18. بحبك أكتر مما الكلمات بتقدر تعبر.
English: I love you more than words can express.
Explanation: A straightforward way to express deep and indescribable love.
19. وجودك بحياتي، أحلى قدر صار معي.
English: Your presence in my life is the sweetest fate that has ever happened to me.
Explanation: A sentiment of gratitude and destiny intertwined with love.
20. حبك مو بس حلم، هو حقيقة بحب عيشها كل يوم.
English: Your love is not just a dream; it’s a reality I love living every day.
Explanation: This quote celebrates the joy of living a love story that feels like a dream come true.